Are You Ready for Lasting Love?

I help women who are tired of heartbreak attract the relationship of their dreams by walking them through a 9-step process to find their deepest truths, decide they are worthy, and magnetize love.

Lasting Love…

9 Weeks to Blissful Partnership

How it works…

When you book an initial conversation with me, I will answer any questions you may have and learn what results you hope to achieve.

During this call, it’s important for both of us to feel that we vibe. At this level of soul work, it’s important to have a connection.

If there’s any lack of trust or clarity, it might be a sign that we are not right for each other. This isn’t negative at all; it's just an indication that we don’t align. Not everyone will, and it’s important to normalize that experience.

I will always encourage building agency and listening to your inner guidance, whether we work together or not.

If you decide to work with me, I will send you the onboarding documents, collect the payment, and schedule our time.

Our sessions are up to 90 minutes long and I will invite you to meet me on Zoom either weekly or every other week.

Before each session, I will guide you in setting up your space to do the work. At the end of each session, we will collaborate on ways for you to integrate whatever has shown up in our time together.

What it is…

Over nine weeks, you will discover your deepest truths about what you want in a relationship. Once you have a clear vision, I will guide you in making this vision your reality. Part of this process is deciding that you are worthy of having the love you want in your life.

Once we have taken these steps together, we will start uncovering pieces of your lost soul and reconnecting to the beauty of who you are.

As you fall deeply in love with your most authentic self, you will call in the romance of your dreams. This experience will give you a practical path to cultivating respect, love, and trust in yourself first. So when you feel it in your body, you become a vibrational match to that level of intimacy.

By welcoming pieces of yourself that you tend to reject or ignore, you will start to remember who you are with multiple dimensions of depth and character. Each session and period of integration will allow you to shine more and more. So your soul mate can see the light in you and come home. By the end of our time together, you will have the capacity to attract the love you seek and become the version of yourself that receives the love you want and continues to align with your truth and personal design.

Book Our Initial Conversation >

Lasting Love is designed to provide practical strategies for remembering love, guiding you toward lasting, blissful partnerships. Each session focuses on deepening self-awareness and relating skills, empowering you to cultivate the love life that feels most aligned.

Some additional benefits of investing in Lasting Love include:

  • Accountability: Working with a coach provides accountability and motivation to stay committed to the goals set during the program.

  • Intention Setting: Setting intentions and using them to guide you in taking action towards your goals is a powerful skill that you can master with a coach.

  • Identifying Patterns: A coach can help you identify any recurring patterns or behaviors that may be hindering your success. This awareness can lead to positive changes and breakthroughs.

  • Personalized Approach: Each coaching package is tailored to meet the specific needs and goals of each client, working with the innate intelligence of your being: body, mind, and soul.

  • Safe Space for Communication: Relationship coaching provides a safe space for open and honest communication without fear of judgment or criticism. This can help you build confidence in yourself through love, safety, and belonging.

You want a relationship that reflects your values and makes you shine. Maybe you’ve never had a real relationship built on mutual love, respect, and trust, and your experiences have been painful.

You know your children can feel your sadness and see thriving as your responsibility. You would do anything to give them an example of lasting love for yourself and in all your relationships.

You struggle with feeling stuck in patterns that leave you misunderstood and rejected. Even though you keep trying to shut yourself off from love or become the kind of woman the person you want will approve of, you keep finding yourself with a broken heart.

Lasting Love is for mothers who want soul-nurturing connections and are ready to open their hearts to the power of love.

Women who have gone through the Lasting Love coaching experience feel more powerful, loving, and alive. As they move through the sessions, they gain more clarity about who they are, what they want, and how to attract a high-level partnership. Their sense of worthiness goes up, and they feel more confident in their skin. This gives them a glow that not only attracts men but also improves the quality of their relationships with friends and family.

Powerfully connecting with their intentions helps these mommas break old patterns of relating and show up in situations with a stronger presence—the positive impact ripples throughout every area of their lives.

Some women experience deeper emotional connections, more joy in everyday interaction, and the freedom to show up as their true selves. Others feel more confident and better able to communicate their needs, wants, and desires.

Imagine having the insight to welcome life with an open heart and mind, becoming more grounded and centered. With a renewed appreciation for who you are.

What would it mean for you to fall in love with yourself?

When you experience Lasting Love, you create the blissful partnership most aligned with who you are and what you need at this stage of your human experience.


  • Lasting Love: 9 weeks to Blissful Partnership is designed for women seeking meaningful and lasting changes in their pursuit of love.

    Whether you are looking to end cycles of toxicity, newly putting yourself out there or looking for a high level partnership that brings out the very best in you, this package will bring you closer to the love you seek.

    Spoiler alert: You are going to remember how to love yourself unconditionally first.

    The part of you that knows you are the love you seek will be the one to create and attract the blissful partnership you desire.

    Work with me if you are ready to invest time and effort into understanding and evolving their relationship patterns for a more fulfilling love life.

  • Anyone looking for a quick fix or magic pill should not consider my coaching.

    This work requires you to surrender to the flow of what is without expectations of how that should look.

    Intention setting is a powerful thing. While I can assure you, you will experience breakthroughs in the direction of your desires, I cannot predict exactly how it will unfold.

    While I consider your heart the seat of your magic and help you connect with this intelligence, it doesn't come in pill form!

    Additionally, while I have overcome an extensive amount of trauma, including sexual pieces, I don't have professional trauma expertise. The coaching I provide is trauma informed. This means if you frequently experience intense flashbacks, some of the tools I introduce could be quite triggering.

    If this concerns you, please consult with a licensed therapist before pursuing this modality.

    Finally, while my heart goes out to people in active addiction, I cannot work with people under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

    If you struggle with sobriety I can point you to some helpful resources and pick up the conversation once you've crossed your 30 day milestone.

    Anything is possible one day at a time.

  • The Lasting Love coaching package consists of 9 sessions together.

    The investment is $3,150.

    I provide payment plans to accommodate your needs which I will invite you to explore with me in our initial conversation.

  • I offer flexible scheduling so you can meet and integrate at a pace that aligns with your responsibilities.

    I meet with beautiful women like you Monday through Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Eastern time.

    That is the schedule that aligns with my commitments as a momma. If you are not available during these times, it may mean we aren't meant to work together right now. And that is perfectly okay!

    I will send you a booking link for our time together should you find availability in your schedule.

  • I allow 90 minutes for each session. Given the nature of our time together, it's helpful to allow for periods of integration that arise.

    The innate intelligence of your body, mind, and soul guide the flow of the session.

    We will be slowly welcoming each piece that arises with open curiosity.

    Some sessions may only take an hour, while some may go the full hour and a half.

    While I offer each client the opportunity to meet every week for 9 weeks, I recognize the need for longer integration periods at times.

    If you feel led to meet every other week, I am open to that too.

    That means the whole package will take about four and a half months together.

    As someone who tends to process new information slowly, I can see the wisdom in gradual expansion over time.

  • A single session is sort of like taking an antibiotic for an infection.

    It is effective for that occurrence. However, months later you may have the same issue arise again.

    With this coaching package, I walk you into a discovery of the root issues at the heart of your pain.

    Not only will we be repatterning your behaviors and nervous system, you will have a better understand of how to continue using the tools I offer you to heal and integrate anything that comes up later in your life.

    My goal is to give you the confidence to navigate heartbreak and disappointment in an empowered way.

    A coaching package will teach you how to fish so you don't go hungry in a sense.

    Throughout our sessions, I will offer you a framework for long-term success. Consistent growth over time is the best way to invite lasting love into your reality.

Why I help women find lasting love…

My healing started when I opened my heart to the part of me that didn’t want to be forgotten—the little girl who lost her magic.

I had a dream that I merged with my higher self.

She was a little blonde girl radiating magic. And she was hiding in a closet.

I heard her father's voice from just outside the door, asking if she was ready to come out.

The little girl asked if she was in heaven. The voice said, “Yes, you’ve been here all along.

Trauma is a part of everyone's life and often makes us hide. From life, each other, and even ourselves.

This is a natural response to maintain survival. When we get stuck in the cycle of hiding,

we can lose ourselves.

When these forgotten pieces of our soul get lost, it’s a struggle to feel WORTHY of love.

We become slaves to negative thoughts, broken patterns of relating, and societal standards

that negate our true power.

Acknowledging this reality is the first step towards freedom. If you're reading this, you are another me.

My healing started when I opened my heart to the part of me

that didn’t want to be forgotten—the little girl who lost her magic.

I was fortunate to find teachers along the way who helped me

carry frozen pieces of my psyche back to truth.

Allowing me to align with my heart's desires.

While I continue to work on over 600 hours of training in the VITA™ coaching methodology,

I’m excited to help you come home to yourself.

I help women find lasting love, joy, and pleasure.

When you tap into trapped energy in the body and invite stuck parts of you to join you

in the divine reality of the present moment, you clear the path to realizing the desires of your heart.

My approach to coaching helps you remember the wonderful curiosity you once had to explore pleasure.

I'd love to support you in reclaiming your ability to have love, safety, and belonging in every area of your life.

If you’re ready to come out of hiding, I invite you to step into the more beautiful world

your heart knows is possible right outside the door.

Some might even call it heaven.

This Breathwork Tool Can Enhance Your Practice


The Shift helps you combat anxiety by slowing your breathing. It's a functional, elegant piece of jewelry that you wear against your heart, both as a tool and a reminder to protect your well-being.

Inspired by the Komuso monks of 17th century Japan. They used bamboo "shakuhachi" flute as a healing modality and a method of attaining enlightenment.

This tool slows your exhale to 8+ seconds which triggers your vagus nerve to calm your nervous system. Stress triggers short inhales, which launches you into 'fight or flight' mode. Extending your exhales immediately reverses this state within two minutes by lowering cortisol, blood pressure, and heart rate.

Designed, tested, and patented by a psychotherapist who used proven data about how breathing affects your mind.

About Sarah Lauren

Sarah is a women's love coach committed to walking fellow mothers home to the fulfillment and joy that aligns with their innermost selves.

With a compassionate approach, Sarah guides her clients to connect with their deepest truths, allowing love to awaken organically. She provides powerful coaching that unravels each client's obstacles that keep them from lasting love.

Combining practical strategies backed by Taoism, Tantra, and Science, she creates a sensual sanctuary where self-awareness, expansion, and genuine connection give way to blissful partnership.

Whether you're looking for a way out of toxic situations or deeply desire the kind of self-love that moves mountains, Sarah's guidance can help you step into the reality you forgot you wanted.

“The wound is the place where the light enters you.”

— Rumi

  • You Are A Star
  • Find Your Light