Love Yourself Into Your Dream Life


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Your body holds deep wisdom. Trust in it. Learn from it. Nourish it. Watch your life transform and be healthy.
— Bella Bleue

This sentiment echoes the truth that our inner worlds hold the keys to accessing our fullest potential and creating the life of our dreams.

In pursuing our dreams, we often seek external validation, overlooking our inner wisdom. What we nurture within ourselves influences our emotions and manifests in our daily lives.

This article explores the role of self-love in cultivating power, remembering our worth, and establishing the emotional regulation needed to create the life of our dreams from a grounded place of harmony.


When you love and respect yourself, it’s easy to set healthy boundaries in relationships and experience fulfilling connections. Self-care boosts your physical and mental well-being, improving productivity.

Navigating life’s challenges takes energy, power, and resilience.

I’ve given away my power many times without realizing it. Anytime we give our attention to someone in exchange for perceived need fulfillment, we risk giving away our power. This kind of exchange takes a lot of effort to overcome because it’s often a result of early programming.

If you don’t have genuine, deep love and respect for someone expecting something from you, the relationship can subtly undermine your self-confidence if you try to live up to those expectations.

It’s hard to feel safe around people who muddy relationships with expectations and conditions!

Putting yourself in a container where you don’t feel safe and relying on someone else to provide for your basic needs lays a rocky foundation.

That’s why self-confidence is such a foundational element for cultivating self-love. People move differently when they understand they have the power to support themselves.

Meeting your own basic needs from a place of safety sounds simple. When someone with trauma is learning how to do it for the first time, the empowerment they experience can be absolutely life-changing.

Spend energy in relationships and places that truly support your well-being.

Financial independence allows people to focus on their personal development and aspirations instead of depending on others for their basic needs.

I think a lot of human trafficking survivors struggle with this lesson because we learn to identify ourselves as commodities rather than sovereign beings.

Loving yourself and cultivating self-trust are keys to developing the self-confidence necessary to create the life you most want to live consciously.

Regulation for Authentic Being

Acting authentically signals to your subconscious mind that you’re comfortable with yourself. This feeling allows you to pursue your heart’s desires from a place of self-love and appreciation. Pursuing opportunities that feel good for your nervous system, which regulates your body’s response to stress, becomes easier.

A regulated nervous system helps you master your emotions, which is a key step in manifesting the life of your dreams.

Emotions are energy in motion, and where you focus your energy matters. By effectively managing stress and anxiety, you can calmly make decisions without feeling overwhelmed by intense emotions.

Regulation of the nervous system optimizes cognitive functions like attention, memory, and problem-solving.

This mental clarity increases creativity, critical thinking, and decision-making abilities. It allows you to clearly see your desired future and take steps to turn it into reality.

A regulated nervous system promotes healthy connections.

It allows you to empathize with others better, establish meaningful connections, and navigate conflicts constructively. Strong social support networks provide encouragement, collaboration, and growth opportunities.

You can use these building blocks to build the life of your dreams.

With a regulated nervous system, learning from failures and adjusting your approach as needed is easier. This resilience lets you focus on your dreams despite obstacles, setbacks, or external pressures.

Immune function, sleep quality, and energy levels are at their peak when the body’s stress response is in balance. People need stamina and vitality to actively pursue their dreams and participate in activities that bring them joy and fulfillment.

A regulated nervous system empowers you to pursue your aspirations with confidence, purpose, and determination. It gives you emotional stability, cognitive clarity, strong relationships, resilience, and physical vitality.

The late philosophical writer James Allen said, “The more tranquil a man becomes, the greater is his success, his influence, his power for good. Calmness of mind is one of the beautiful jewels of wisdom.”


It’s no secret that what we focus on grows. Creating positive feelings in our emotional bodies, the parts of us that process emotions, build the same growth in our lives.

When you feel connected to your body and balanced throughout your being, it’s easy to enjoy the experience of existing as you are.

Being able to love all parts of yourself and embrace even the shadowy aspects allows dark places to transform into bold personal expressions. Identifying with unworthiness for most of your life makes it hard to remember your worth.

Religious conditioning often causes feelings of guilt and shame about acting with pleasure or exploring our sensual nature.

Shaming aspects of ourselves that make us who we are can create unconscious behavior that results in self-harm. Self-hatred and disconnection from your true self can distort your ability to live your dreams.

Guilt and shame over past decisions can keep us stuck. Ignoring them only makes it bigger. When we see mistakes as valuable lessons, it becomes natural to identify external programming and celebrate our responses as logical and true at the time.

You move towards unconditional self-love when you accept all of yourself and realize that each choice you make is the best, given your faculties and the resources available to you.

For example, I sometimes feel shame when I get hungry. In the past, my subconscious developed defense mechanisms in response to the punishment I faced for needing to eat.

These internal characters silently tell my body that I don’t need anything and that eating is unsafe. If I do, I will be in trouble. If I get into trouble, the tribe might kick me out. Then what? I might die.

On some level, we all experience these reactions to traumatic events. Our bodies constantly work to protect us, sometimes creating resistance to thriving.

When we know how to cultivate self-love, we can acknowledge unwanted behavior patterns for what they are. Our experiences create protectors who fiercely fight to survive.

With this perspective, you can appreciate the part of you that hides when you’re close to making a lifelong dream your reality or admire the part of you that gets angry and defensive when you feel rejected.

These traits may have saved your life at some point, but you don’t remember. They deserve to be celebrated. Almost always, the pieces of you fighting for your survival appreciate this reverent acceptance. They may even be open to accepting a new role to play in your life. They might want to join you in the present to protect you in a loving way. Your protectors may want to embrace rejection as a stepping stone to true alignment.

Understanding your body’s resistance and its role in keeping you safe helps you understand what to embrace. When you consciously love yourself, you can transform in seemingly miraculous ways.

With practice, you can invite the parts of yourself shrouded in fear to protect you differently and become more whole.

The well-balanced, whole, and deeply loved version of you exists in your dream life.

From nurturing self-confidence to practicing emotional regulation and acceptance, each step towards self-love brings you closer to deeper fulfillment.

Our bodies’ innate wisdom urges us to trust, learn from, and nourish ourselves.

By developing self-confidence, we discover the power of setting boundaries, prioritizing self-care, and cultivating independence. Emotional regulation is the cornerstone of mental clarity.

As we learn to love ourselves unconditionally, we transform our darkest shadows into the fullest expressions of who we are, and that’s beautiful!

Do you want more fulfilling relationships? I hope this has gotten you closer to your goal. If this resonates, I invite you to follow me for more tips on cultivating self-love, confidence, and emotional regulation.


Humility, Gratitude, and Love: An Attitude of Abundance


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