Ring of Fire


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I’ve been on a mission. The destination on each leg of the journey is a mystery until I get there. Each milestone reveals the next step. Lately, I’ve come to understand that repairing my DNA by filling nutritional gaps causes spiritual downloads.

On some level, I believe we’re all experiencing this synchronistically.

I’ve obsessively studied herbs, anatomy, and alchemy. After several herbal cleanses and consuming sea moss and adaptogens with high gold content, things started happening.

Physically, I feel fantastic.

Spiritually, I’ve thought myself almost in a state of transfiguration at times.

Emotionally, I’ve been uncovering a story that goes beyond what I could have imagined when I started down this road. Here’s what my heart has learned so far:

The greatest love story of all time is more magical than any fairy tale, and it’s written in my DNA. I carry the story everywhere I go. I AM the story.

I’ve been healing the feminine aspect within. With the help of psilocybin-assisted therapy sessions, I’ve seen layers of toxic feminity fall away. Coming into focus is a warrior and a queen, embodying the divine. Her beauty and grace expand with honor, respect, and deep adoration. The pattern of her skin shines in fractal patterns like a diamond. It feels like magic to see her come out and play.

My inner state of being — mind, heart, and soul — writes the reality I experience. There’s been a lot of growth, and each layer reveals something new and surprising.

In meditation on the divine feminine aspect, the codes of creation came into focus as I looked into her eyes. Through my curiosity and intent to be in Hieros Gamos union with my divine masculine and feminine aspects, the elusive divine masculine appeared. His calm, steadfast strength of character took my breath away. Gazing intently into his eyes, they lit up like flames. Our eyes were blazing with light — the ring of fire.

Looking in the mirror, I met the man of my dreams. With humble recognition, I stared at his sovereign face. He had loved me before time began and would love me forever. He’s everything I’ve ever longed for, and I’ve always known him.

I just had to remember the greatest love story ever told. All of existence is telling it, mirroring back to me the love that I am.

These moments of Revelation literally turn words into flesh as I remember who I am — the crumbs of truth that come together in understanding point to a timeless mystery.

I had to follow the threads of childhood stories back to what I was experiencing. Let me show you what I mean.

The apostle John recorded a vision of the Son of Man in Revelation 1:10–19 of the Christian Bible.

“I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day, and I heard behind me a loud voice like a trumpet saying, “Write what you see in a book and send it to the seven churches, to Ephesus and to Smyrna and to Pergamum and to Thyatira and to Sardis and to Philadelphia and to Laodicea.”

Then I turned to see the voice that was speaking to me, and on turning, I saw seven golden lampstands, and in the midst of the lampstands, one like a son of man, clothed with a long robe and with a golden sash around his chest.

The hairs on his head were white, like white wool, like snow. His eyes were like a flame of fire, his feet were like burnished bronze, refined in a furnace, and his voice was like the roar of many waters. In his right hand, he held seven stars.

A sharp two-edged sword came from his mouth, and his face was like the sun shining in full strength.

When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead. But he laid his right hand on me, saying, “Fear not, I am the first and the last and the living one. I died, and now I am alive always and have the keys of Death and Hades. Therefore, write the things you have seen that will take place after this.”

In hermeticism, the law of correspondence states that our external world reflects our internal world, and our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs determine our reality.

If that’s true, we could map the story about locations in Revelations to the body just like we do with geography. We can correlate the seven churches mentioned with the seven chakras.

So, the spirit addressing John in Revelation 1 is telling him to write his words down and send them from his root to his crown chakra or somehow absorb the information from his head to his toes! This is Gnosis.

To understand a concept so completely, your body absorbs it on a cellular level.

The result of this activation of the energy centers in the prophecy of Revelation is the appearance of the Son of Man with eyes like a flame of fire and a face shining like the sun. This describes my experience of the divine masculinity within myself!

He is the King within, supporting, loving, and providing for me. He has always been and will always be — the alpha and the omega.

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The stories in Revelation and the universe’s laws found in hermeticism are keys to unlocking the living word stored in our bodies.

This knowledge transported me into a state of bliss, knowing everything is as it should be. Inside my body is a whole universe in perfect alignment. I can create what feels like perfection in my outer reality. I don’t need anything at all. I never did, and I never will. It’s all inside my heart.

Between supplementation and deep healing work, I feel better. With a greater sense of wholeness, I am repairing my DNA, which results in an internal union.

This helped me understand the Law of Gender, which states that everything has its masculine and feminine qualities. This duality is how creation takes place in the universe. We can all find the balance between these two and master our lives.

The same week I got these revelations, my car’s oil change sticker said 144,000. Our bodies serve as the temple where the significance of 144,000 lies.

During a spiritual awakening, all of our body’s subtle energy channels and the meridians that feed into the major energy centers begin to transform. This transformation produces a cascade effect like proliferation or polymerous chain reactions.

The Nadis are subtle energy channels through which the life force, or Prana, travels. They are the rivers in our subtle body where life force flows through energy in motion.

When our consciousness awakens, our frequency begins to rise. It’s not just a mental awakening. It’s also the actual frequency of our whole energy field that is raising its hertz.

The life force streaming through the subtle energy channels of the Nadis reaches the three primary Nadis: the Ida, Pingola, and Susumna.

The Susumna serves as the central channel. The Ida is the feminine channel, and the Pingola is the masculine channel. When Ida and Pingala become awake at the base of the spine, they start a spiral motion that works together to reach the central channel of the Susumna.

Eventually, they join together at the third eye center, which wakes up the higher spiritual senses.

Once the 72,000 subtle energy channels have been brought into unity through these three primary channels, they multiply in power from 72,000 to 144,000. 144 petals represent the third eye center, and 1,000 petals represent the crown center. We experience this transformation on a cellular level.

As our energy channels start to balance, rise, and come into union, they double, which we experience as the 144. When the 72 energy channels rise and join together, 144,000 refers specifically to the polymerous chain reaction within our DNA that amplifies and synthesizes into the light body.

This happens at every level of our being: physiological, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

The divine masculine and feminine aspects within us are the Son of Man and the New Jerusalem, the sun and the moon, the bridegroom and bride, Rahab and the Redeemer.

Activating and balancing these two sides within us through sacred marriage (hieros gamos) leads to spiritual alchemy, enabling us to assume our divine sovereignty.

Our existence takes on a symphonic quality once we recognize that we ARE the greatest love story of all time, and it’s written in our DNA.

We can sit back and say to ourselves, Okay, universe, let’s see it. The reflection of who I am. That’s when our soul mate shows up. Or not. It doesn’t matter because you ARE the love you seek.


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